Special Seminar: Evaluating Catastrophic Risks
Organized by Kyoto University, Graduate School of Advanced Integrated Studies in Human Survivability
and University of Cambridge, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
VENUE: Higashi Ichijo Building Kyoto University
Date: 26th March, 2024 from 13:00 to 16:00
Recently, there are several different risks that exists in modern society which might produce catastrophic ends. Mankind should evaluate and prepare against these risks by dealing with immediate risk evaluation which affects daily life. In this seminar, we focus on catastrophic risk evaluation in our current society, prioritize them, and find ways to evaluate and link with current mechanisms.
Speaker Matthew Connelly
Director; Centre for the Study for the Existential Risk
University of Cambridge
Professor Matthew Connelly, an expert in international and global history at Columbia University, has directed various research initiatives on planetary threats, including nuclear war, pandemics, and climate change. He teaches courses on related topics and has extensive policy experience, advising organizations like the World Bank, and the Department of Homeland Security. Connelly’s publications, such as “The Declassification Engine” and “Fatal Misconception,” critically examine historical and contemporary challenges. He has taught at several prestigious institutions worldwide while contributing to academic journals and media outlets. Currently, he is working on a book analyzing institutional responses to catastrophic threats throughout history.
Target: Undergraduate and graduate students who are able to join discussion in English.
In addition,
Educators are welcome to participate in this event.
Other professionals involved in related fields are encouraged to make registration, indicating their occupation, specialty, etc. We’ll reply you whether available or not.
Limited to 20 participants (on-site participation)
Online: 50 people maximum
会場参加は20 名限定です。(オンラインは50名まで可能です)
Seminar Schedule:
13:00- 14:00
Lecture: The History of Predicting and Preparing for Catastrophic Threats
Professor Matthew Connelly
Director, Centre for the Study of Existential Risk
University of Cambridge
Lecture: Incorporating Distributive Justice into Existential Risk Studies
Professor Makoto Usami, GSGES, Kyoto University
Lecture: Prioritization of Different Kinds of Natural Disasters and Low-Probability, High-Consequence Events – Space and Terrestrial Disasters
Professor Yosuke Aleandre Yamashiki, GSAIS, Kyoto University
Discussion: Communication and Resilience
Ms. Emika Fujii (GSAIS Kyoto University)
Mr. Hiroaki Mori (CSO WARPSPACE)
Professor Hiroaki Isobe (Kyoto City University of Arts)