主催 宇宙・地球環境災害研究会
共催 宇宙総合学研究ユニット
会場 京都大学東一条館 2階大講義室(201)
司会 黒木龍介(大学院総合生存学館博士後期課程)
16:30-16:40 学館長挨拶 寶馨 大学院総合生存学館長 (環境災害研究会)
16:40-17:20 火星のテラフォーミング計画 山敷庸亮 (大学院総合生存学館・環境災害研究会代表) + 佐藤啓明(京都大学工学部)
17:30-18:20 海洋気候相互作用とハビタブルプラネット スワヒディン・ベヘラ 海洋研究開発機構アプリケーションラボラトリ所長・東京大学新領域創成科学研究科連携教授
18:20-19:00 ディスカッション
Habitability and Terraforming
The company SpaceX, founded by entrepreneur Elon Musk, has been seriously discussing the possibility of migration to the planet Mars in the future. However, do you really think is it possible to make Mars habitable?
How about Earth’s only satellite, the Moon? The distance from the Sun to the moon is identical to that of the Sun to the Earth (1 AU) so what makes the Moon inhabitable and the Earth habitable?
For a planet to be habitable, we need two definite things, liquid water and atmosphere. The Moon lacks both.
Also, to cultivate life forms, the planetary surface must be isolated from serious radiation.
In this workshop, we will discuss the concept of “terraforming” from several aspects, and try to identify the realistic possibility of being able to do so.
For this lecture, we have invited Professor Swadhin K. Behera, Director of the Application Laboratory, JAMSTEC, Special Appointed Professor of the University of Tokyo, who will introduce the Earth Atmospheric-ocean coupling climate system to illustrate Earth’s climate control system, and discuss the habitability of Mars with Professor Yosuke Alexandre Yamashiki
16:30-16:40 Greeting from GSAIS Dean, Dr. Kaoru Takara, Professor and Dean, GSAIS
16:40-17:20 Martian terraforming, Dr. Yosuke A. Yamashiki( Professor, Dept. Head, GSAIS, Vice Chairperson , Unit of Synergetic Study for Space, Kyoto University) and Hiroaki Sato (Faculty of Engineering, Kyoto University)
17:30-18:20 Ocean-climate mutual interaction and terrestrial habitability, Dr. Swadihin Behera(Director, Application Laboratory, JAMSTEC)
18:20-19:00 Discussion
Swadhin K. Behera is a distinguished scientist in ocean and climate research with a particular emphasis on the role of oceans in modes of tropical and extratropical climate variations. After obtaining his Ph. D. from India and working for about 10 years at the Indian Institute of Tropical Meteorology, he moved to JAMSTEC in 1998. Since then he has been associated with various centers and programs of JAMSTEC. He also serves as an adjunct professor in the Department of Ocean Technology, Policy and Environment at the University of Tokyo and as a guest professor at the Graduate School of Global Environmental Studies at Sophia University. He has published more than 100 articles in highly cited international journals with an average citation of 40 and an h-factor of 32, and presented in many talks and several keynote speeches. He has also appeared on several radio and television programs.
A brief career sketch can be found on this linked webpage.